We’re hiring!

Would you or someone you know be a great General Manager for Pennsylvania’s emerging tree crops cooperative? We have funding and fulfilling futures ready to grow, and we need to find our first paid team member to help us achieve our goals!

View the General Manager job posting for details and please share it! We plan to accept applications until December 11, 2023 and aim to start this position as early in 2024 as possible. Pay starts at $25 per hour for up to 10 hours per week on average, year-round.


Go nuts with us

If you are a grower looking for gatherers, want to gather tree crops, or want to work together in some other way - please fill out our interest form. This survey will help us map our network of people in the tree crop supply chain of Pennsylvania and our surrounding region. You can opt-in to emails where we coordinate harvests and other nutty activities.



Support the Keystone Tree Crops Cooperative by contributing to and/or sharing our oilpress crowdfunding campaign!