• Our Team and Collaborators

    From trees to volunteers, partner plants and partner organizations, and all the places that support this work. We give thanks to the lands we live in and all the stewards seeking the next best steps. We share gratitude as a team for the collective work of all inspired to grow this cooperative.

    We thank SilvoCulture, a Maryland not-for-profit uplifting chestnuts in the Mid-Atlantic, for help gathering our organization and KernKraft-20 oilpress, and for the continued work in parallel.

    We thank PA Sustainable Agriculture (Pasa), USDA, and other partners for enabling Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities.

    We thank Keystone Development Center for the wise, generous, and patient work of cooperative development advising.

  • Our Supporters

    To all who supported us in our crowdfunding campaign, you are the spark that caught, helping us get this effort started!

    We’re moved by the generous and visionary support of many like-minded enthusiasts, businesses, friends and family out there!

    Big thanks and shoutout to:

    PA Nut Growers Association
    Rising Locust Farm
    Costa Boutsikaris
    Anja Rothe
    Nathaniel D Anderson
    Joshua Gelfman
    Lindsey Shapiro
    Daniel Bensonoff
    Sonia Desai
    Jonathan Gordon
    Carl Albers
    Andrew Rodes
    Jay Jadick
    Emily Botto
    The Poor Proles Almanac
    Louise Bugbee
    Evan Mallory
    Jerry Henkin
    Stephenie Bross
    Erica Mulder
    Daniel Brockett
    Doug Cook
    Rhiannon Wright + Cameron Wygent
    Robin Hoy
    Hannah LeVasseur
    Virginia Trees
    Trevor Stauffer
    Cat Pugh and Mike Toolan
    Chris Smyth
    Ellen Katz
    Jeanne Salidar
    Jasen Bernthisel
    Chris Hoffert
    Christopher J Hondru
    Linda Ferich
    Sweet Potomac Farm
    James Plagman
    Steven Choc
    Caryn Coville
    Sara J Tyler
    Ryan Kudasik
    Kendra Hoffman
    Matthew Holt
    Eric Harris-Braun
    Craig and Janet Tupper
    Dr Timothy G Coville
    Robbie Coville
    Sallie McCann
    Robert Cirino
    Austin Unruh, Trees for Graziers
    All the PA nut growers who have been, currently are, or will be

    And many more <3

  • Our Context

    Forests call for long-term vision. We acknowledge and thank those before us: the generations of people, trees, and diverse forest communities who have carried the torch forward. We work with grief for environmental loss and dehumanizing histories, aiming to learn and do better.

    We work for future generations, doing what we can in the present to grow opportunities for mutualism and healthy ways of life decades and centuries from now.

    “And if this is your work too,
    we work together.”